Christian Voices’ are performed Finding Hope during Advent, 2019.


The play is set at the time of the census and a group of friends living in Bethlehem were unaware that the birth of Jesus was about to happen.

In Winter 2019 the play was performed four times by Christian Voices. The play was written by Alan Young, the songs composed by Dave Chamberlin and directed by Jac Young from St. Martha’s Church.

Mark, one of the group, had recently become a widower. He was trying to cope with the loss of his wife. What would give him hope that his life still had meaning?

The cast list can be found here.
The programme produced can be found here.
The lyrics can be found in the programme.

The production was performed at:

  • Sunday, 1st December – St Mary’s, Westham at 9:45 a.m.
  • Sunday, 8th December – Ninfield Methodist Church at 10.30 a.m.
  • Sunday, 15th December – Christchurch Methodist Church, Bexhill at 10.30 a.m.